Biden Makes Absurd 2024 Claim then the Truth Smacks him in the Face

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President Joe Biden held a press conference at the White House Wednesday where he said that he and his family are going to “have discussions” about running for re-election in the 2024 presidential election.

The Daily Caller reports, asked whether or not the previous days’ election results are playing an influence in his decision to seek a second term, Biden said, “My intention is that I run again, but I am a great respecter of fate and this is ultimately a family decision. I think everybody wants me to run but we’re going to have discussions about it.”

However, despite his claims, final data from an exit poll conducted by CBS News on election day show that more than two-thirds of voters do not want to see Biden seek reelection in 2024.

Sixty-seven percent of voters said Biden should step aside while 30% said he should seek a second term.

The same exit poll also asked respondents on their overall opinion of Biden, to which 41% answered “favorable” and 56% answered “unfavorable.”

It’s clear that Joe Biden’s tenure as President has been a disappointment for many Americans, and his recent statement about the 2024 election is just yet another example of why it’s time for him to go. Despite his claims, the truth is that the majority of voters do not want to see him run for re-election. It’s time for new leadership and a return to our core values as a nation. We need someone who will focus on making America great again and prioritizing the needs of its citizens. It’s time for Joe Biden to step aside and let someone else guide us into the future. Let’s dump Biden in 2024 and vote for a leader who truly has our best interests at heart.

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