Biden Trampling the Constitution As He Pushes to Defy Courts After Student Loan Bailouts Shot Down

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Biden has now shifted to his most used tool in his toolbox when it comes to trying to get an agenda shoved through, FEAR.

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Since Biden’s student loan forgiveness executive order was blocked by a federal judge recently, the White House has gone into full attack mode.

American outlook reported. The Biden administration is still trying to get their unconstitutional student loan bailout rammed through.

Even Nancy Pelosi said that Biden doesn’t have the power to do this when she was asked about it last year.


Now as liberal media outlets are jumping on board with Biden’s efforts to scare the American people into getting his agenda through. Cnbc reported Biden administration warns of ‘historically large increase’ in student loan defaults without debt forgiveness

Student loan default rates could dramatically spike if the Biden administration’s loan forgiveness plan is blocked, a top official at the U.S. Department of Education said in a new court filing.

The warning came as the Department of Justice asked a federal judge in Texas to stay an order that has temporarily blocked the Biden administration’s debt relief program.

Education Department Undersecretary James Kvaal said in the filing. “Unless the [Education] Department is allowed to provide debt relief, we anticipate there could be an historically large increase in the amount of federal student loan delinquency and defaults as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,”

Even with the liberal media’s hysteria over attempting to fulfill the unconstitutional request of the President, others are fighting back.

Georgia recorder reported. As a result of a challenge by six GOP-led states, a federal appeals court issued a nationwide injunction on Monday blocking the Biden administration’s student debt relief program indefinitely.

After Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas and South Carolina argued that the loan relief program threatened their future tax revenues and that the Biden administration’s plan overruled congressional authority, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis ruled unanimously.

“The injunction will remain in effect until further order of this court or the Supreme Court of the United States,” according to the order by a three-judge panel.

Congress has always held the power of the purse, that is part of the balance of power in the United States. Always has been that way since day one, and Biden spent over 40 years inside of Washington DC and should know this. Now that he has been kicked back a little by the federal courts rulings, he resorted to using his Democrat controlled media to force a narrative of fear on the American people, one of his favorite tactics. More likely the articles and media initiatives are being pushed by his 20 something year olds in the White house intern pool who are using his mental inaptitude to force their agendas on the American people. Regardless of the fact this is unconstitutional, Biden plans to steam roll any opposition. We need Trump back in the White House, like now. 

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