GOODBYE! Zuckerberg Announces RESIGNATION After Epic Failure Destroys Facebook/Meta Report Claims

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According to an insider, Mark Zuckerberg is ready to step down from his role as CEO of Facebook/META next year after the massive failure of his pet project. What does that mean for the future of Facebook? Is this too good to be true? We’ll discuss.

On November 9th Mark Zuckerberg notified every employee at META that he’d decided “to reduce the size of [META] by about 13%” and fire “more than 11,000” employees.

Now we’re learning according to THE LEAK, based on information obtained by that outlet, it appears that Zuckerberg is stepping down himself. Their inside source says that the decision is not going to affect Metaverse – Mark’s multi-billion dollar project that has led Meta to experience a significant decline in profits in recent months.

Here’s his statement as reported by CNBC.

To paraphrase Mark Twain, news of Zuckerberg’s demise may be greatly exaggerated as a spokesperson for Meta Platforms Inc, Andy Stone, denied a report that CEO Mark Zuckerberg would step down next year in a tweet.

He tweeted, responding to the Leak saying, THIS IS FALSE.

Despite its veracity, the report briefly increased the company’s share price by 1%.
It’s no secret that social media is anti-social. By its very nature, it encourages users to spend more time looking at a screen and less time interacting with the real world. This distortion of reality can have serious consequences, as we’ve seen with the proliferation of fake news and the election tampering that took place on Facebook. And Mark Zuckerberg should resign. That’s according to a growing chorus of critics who say the Facebook CEO has lost touch with reality and is more interested in pie-in-the-sky projects like the “Metaverse” than actually fixing the social network’s problems. Facebook has come under fire for everything from election meddling to censoring critical health information at the direction of government agencies. Zuckerberg has denied that he plans to step down, but the pressure is mounting. And if he did resign, it would be welcomed by millions of people who have been harmed by Facebook’s actions. For the sake of his company and its users, he should step down from his position as CEO.

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