What Elon Musk Just Found In a Closet At Twitter Confirms Our Deepest Fears

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It’s no secret that Twitter has been run by radical leftist snowflakes for years. Well now we have undeniable evidence. Late last night, Elon Musk revealed a ‘secret closet’ at Twitter HQ that’s full of ‘stay woke’ t-shirts.

New York Post reports, He’s literally cleaning out the Twitter closets, laughing after finding a stack of unworn “Stay Woke” t-shirts.

During a video posted late Tuesday, the world’s richest man held up one of the shirts with a progressive slogan. The video has already been viewed more than 10.2 million times.

Fox notes, it comes after he cut the company’s staff, then applauded the exodus of “woke” journalists from Twitter. Musk’s discovery comes as he moves Twitter away from censorship and toward free speech.

Musk also confirmed yesterday that Twitter has an extreme bias against conservatives. Musk responded to Kyle Becker’s tweet about Twitter’s bias.

Becker tweeted, “Imagine if @ElonMusk were actually the right-wing bogeyman these spoiled lefty journos pretend he is and he decided to turn the tables and ban all left-wing ‘fake news’ from @Twitter There’d be nothing left for them to publish!”

He followed up with, “Think I’m kidding? Most of these outlets are fake news machines. You can add the AP’s fake news report on Russian rocket hitting Poland that might as well be begging to start World War III. The most damaging fake news comes from the biggest corporate media outlets.”

With this long list of Fake news stories the media has been pitching for years.

Elon replied, “As is obvious to all but the media, there is not one permanent ban on even the most far left account spouting utter lies.”

We have known this for years, but Musk just confirmed it. Conservatives are mercilessly targeted by Twitter while lying liberal lunatics get a pass.

It’s no wonder the far-left hates Elon Musk. On Twitter, he exposes their disgusting efforts to stop America-loving speech.

Elon Musk has been on a roll lately. First, he cut the company’s staff, then applauded the exodus of “woke” journalists from Twitter. Now, he has unveiled evidence of the radical leftist bias that has been running rampant at Twitter for years. In a late-night tweet, Musk revealed a “secret closet” at Twitter HQ that is full of “stay woke” t-shirts. This comes as Musk is moving Twitter away from censorship and toward free speech. Yesterday, Musk also confirmed that Twitter has an extreme bias against conservatives. This is something we have known for years, but Musk’s confirmation is a victory nonetheless. The days of conservatives being targeted by Twitter are over. Thanks to Elon Musk, the radical leftist snowflakes are finally being exposed for who they are.

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