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Liberal looney Mike Barnicle goes on a rant blasting Trump and the end of America. 

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As we all know MSNBC is always a fair and balanced network, and their talking points come from well grounded observations and they never, ever go too far off into left field on their takes of the news. Yea -right. The liberal cesspool of a news organization is constantly attacking conservatives, and this time it’s no different. 

News Busters reported. Mike Barnicle asserted on Monday’s Morning Joe that if Donald Trump wins the presidency again in 2024, it’s the end of America as we know it. It is impossible for them to be moderately alarmed. It always has to be an “existential threat.”

Jonathan Lemire set up Barnicle by trashing the Republicans. Despite Christie’s assertion that the Republican Party as a whole did not embrace the “Big Lie,” Lemire said, “I respectfully disagree. This is who they are. The vast majority of Republicans have embraced the ‘Big Lie.’ The party has kowtowed to whatever Trump wants, and there have been moments when it could have broken from Trump, but it doesn’t.”

Lets see Barnicles rant.

From insane attacks on the right, to out right blatant lies about the actions of the left, MSNBC has no morals when it comes to their lies. 

According to media outlets. Host Mehdi Hassan recently claimed that the House Democrats never investigated the Trump family. Here’s a question for him. Have the Democrats ever stopped investigating Trump and his family? Trump has been out of office for two years and Democrats are STILL trying to investigate him.

“The Mehdi Hasan Show” host attacked the investigation into the Biden family because, he claimed, House Democrats “didn’t do this for the Trump family,” while also appearing to take a swipe at outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Mehdi Hasan tweed  “Be as mad as you like about House Republicans kicking off day one after winning the House with a massive investigation into the Biden family but also ask yourself why House Democrats didn’t do this for *the Trump family*. Ask yourself this on the day Pelosi is retiring btw,”

Nathan Dahm tweeted a reply “You could “ask yourself why” or you could do a quick internet search to discover that House Democrats DID this for the Trump family. If only there was a group of people who’s job it was to report such facts to the people…once again fake news proving they are enemy of the people.”

Brad Slager tweeted “Uh, Mehdi? The Democrats most certainly investigated Trump’s family. Just like today, it was the first thing they embarked on after gaining power after the 2018 midterms.Sorry you missed it all…” He also included some easily searchable articles that highlighted the investigations launched against the Trump Family. 

MSNBC is a cesspool of leftist extremists and their journalistic integrity can be rated below zero. Never the less, they have a core audience that will take anything they say as gospel, and continue to spread massive lies and disinformation, all in the effort of ending the conservative movement. That is why in order to combat the insane tactics, and narratives it is so crucial to spread the word on the lies they are putting forth, it is the only recourse to their actions. 

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