HUGE WIN! Biden’s Tyranny ENDS as Dems Rebel Against Mandates for Military

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Breaking news! In one of the biggest upsets since Biden took office, House Democrats have broken ranks with the President and stepped up to oppose mandating vaccines for members of the military. Bucking his tyranny, Democrats have rejected Biden’s extreme policy proposals and taken a stand against this dangerous power grab. Get ready for dramatic changes in Washington as the political party lines on vaccine mandates become redrawn!

President Biden’s hope for preserving the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate has quickly come to an end. House democrats and republicans have joined forces on the National Defense Authorization Act, which would repeal the exemption of service members from the vaccine. The bill would be a major defeat for the Biden Administration and end their current fight to keep the mandate in place. Unfortunately, even if this bill passes, it won’t restore those who were discharged for refusing to take the experimental vaccine. Here’s hoping that changes soon!

Fox reports, as part of the annual defense policy bill, congressional Democrats are set to repeal the coronavirus vaccine mandate for U.S. troops, which will defeat President Biden and the White House.

NDAA will include a provision repealing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for service members, Fox News has learned. We expect the bill to be released Wednesday and voted on by the House later this week.

Meanwhile, Governor Ralph Northam’s successor, Governor Glenn Youngkin, recently announced the cancellation of all Covid-19 related fines and penalties that have been issued in Virginia. He also wants to start a process for reimbursement of the people wrongfully fined during this time, realizing that those most impacted by these illegal fees are often those with the fewest resources. With financial burdens an increasing reality in many households across Virginia due to the pandemic, any kind of cost relief can be invaluable in helping families get back on their feet — and Governor Youngkin’s executive order does just that.

In addition to halting all further collections, Youngkin also plans to work with the secretary of finance to develop a reimbursement procedure for individuals and businesses who paid “unjust COVID-19 fines and fees.”

The governor’s office said Youngkin is ordering a statewide review of the COVID penalties imposed during the Northam administration.

Youngkin declared, “The fact that businesses are still dealing with COVID-19-related penalties and fines is infuriating. Livelihoods are on the line,” “In the previous administration, we saw our government shut down businesses, close our schools, and separate us from each other. While we can’t undo the damage done during the Northam administration, we are taking action going forward to end COVID-era draconian overreach.”

This monumental victory against Biden’s power grab shows that we can all come together to wake our government up. Republicans and Democrats alike have taken a stand against military vaccine mandates and it is clear that this fight is not over yet. With the National Defense Authorization Act receiving bipartisan support and Governor Youngkin ensuring that people be reimbursed for unfounded fines, it is becoming increasingly apparent that tyranny will no longer be tolerated. This Historic win highlights the importance of uniting in a cause – something which liberals and conservatives are clearly capable of achieving when they recognize the same objectives.

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