Biden was faced with a question from a reporter and immediately snapped a response, and turned and ran away.
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Biden is not one to answer many questions from the press that his handlers didn’t properly craft a lie for, so when he does answer a question we usually get some dementia riddled answer, or a garbled mess of a response.
Western Journal reports, during the Biden administration’s November budget request to Congress, another $37.7 billion was requested for Ukraine. But there is growing speculation on whether or not the United States would be committing ground troops into the battle, and when Biden was faced with a question on the matter, he ran away.
Biden, to a reporter: "Are we sending troops to Ukraine? No, we're sending material, like we have. Billions of dollars."
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) December 12, 2022
The question doesn’t sit well with him for another reason as well. Biden’s pledge to not send troops to Ukraine is a good thing, but American support for the war effort is getting expensive, and there is little to no oversight over how Ukraine allocates its resources.
Earlier in the night Biden had another issue with his mental abilities.
Fox 22 reports, after delivering a speech at a Toys for Tots event with the United States Marine Corps Reserve in Arlington, Virginia, President Biden was led off the stage by a young girl. In celebration of the 75th anniversary of Toys for Tots, an organization that provides gifts to children whose families cannot afford them, the event took place at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.
Watch our inept leader’s inability to remember if he had to go right or left.
Biden: “Which way do we go?”
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 12, 2022
Clearly Biden does not like being held to account for the tens of billions of dollars being spent in Ukraine, nor does he like the facts being brought up about his family’s corrupt dealings in the country. But, just like Biden always does with an unscripted question he runs away. Further his mental abilities are consistently brought into question whenever he gets lost, garbles words, or makes some incoherent rambling to a question. We need a strong leader who is not afraid to take questions, and give hard answers to questions that impact every single American. We need Trump back in the White House, we need his leadership and steadfastness. We need to save America, again.
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