OUTRAGE Ensues After Discovering Michelle Obama to Receive $3.6 Million from New Legislation 

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It’s no surprise that Michelle Obama continues to garner significant support in the public arena. But what has sparked mass outrage this week is news that her namesake has been offered a staggering $3.6 million of taxpayer money from a bill Democrats are trying to fast track through the Senate. 

The Democrats have introduced a huge $1.7 trillion spending package that contains a provision involving former first lady Michelle Obama.

According to the Conservative Brief, there is $3.6 million in the legislation for the Michelle Obama Trail-PATH Trail Project.

Republican lawmakers called out the provision on Twitter.

Republican Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs tweeted, “The Democrats’ reckless omnibus bill spends YOUR money on a ‘Michelle Obama Trail,’ a ‘Ukraine Independence Park’ in DC, and a ‘Speaker Pelosi Federal Building’ in San Francisco. Are you ok with all of this?” 

Rep. Dan Bishop added, “Here are just a handful of the many earmarks in the bill, including $3.6 million for the ‘Michelle Obama Trail.”

Rep. Mary Miller commented, “I will vote against the radical Biden omnibus, which includes ‘woke’ nonsense like a $3.6 million ‘Michelle Obama Trail’ in Georgia. Why are Senate Republicans voting for this?”

And Senator Mike Braun added, “Would you spend $2 million on a wax museum? How about $3.6 million on the ‘Michelle Obama Trail?’ Well, you’re about to. These are two earmarks in the omnibus spending bill that will become law this week. I’ll be voting to strip every earmark out of the bill.”

Meanwhile, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul spoke to reporters this week about other wasteful spending included in the package.

Paul added on Twitter, “I brought along the 1.7 trillion, 4,000+ page Pelosi-Schumer omnibus spending bill that’s being fast-tracked through the Senate. This process stinks. It’s an abomination. It’s a no good rotten way to run government. We’re standing up and saying NO.”

Outrage is justifiably spreading across America with the revelation that Michelle Obama has been offered a staggering $3.6 million of taxpayer money from the spending package Democrats are attempting to fast track through the Senate. This woke nonsense of using taxpayer money for self-serving causes needs to stop and it is no surprise that this provision was hidden in a larger spending package, putting Americans last again. This type of wasteful spending will not be taken lightly and it is the responsibility of all Americans to stand up against this waste of taxpayer money.

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