WHAT THE? Zelinsky Gives Biden Prestigious Ukrainian “BUTTHOLE” Award

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After hearing the unedited clip, we were certain that Joe Biden was the only appropriate choice for this Prestigious Ukrainian Butthole award. There is no man more deserving of such a rare and high honor. It’s clear why the selection committee chose him. We can hardly wait to show you the full context of what we heard – we guarantee it will leave you rolling on the floor laughing.

It is hard to believe, but unfortunately it’s true – The Prestigious Ukrainian Butthole award was recently presented to the President of the United States. It all started when the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Washington DC on a short break from leading his nation in battle. When he arrived, he presented the President with an award that had been given to him by a man named “Butthole”. This silly and surreal situation set off a chain of events that prompted us to verify multiple times that it was indeed not satire. That’s right; they’re literally laughing at us now! Nobody is quite sure why or how this strange case has occurred, but we can be certain that this is an event we won’t soon forget.

You just heard it with your own ears!

The event did not go unnoticed by the internet.

Daily Noah News tweeted, “Are you freaking kidding me? Zelensky gives Biden a gift from ‘Butthole’?”

Monkey_Boy42 tweeted, “Zelenski just gave Biden like an award and some medals for bravery or some shit, and then Biden asked who is the name of one of the items that he can call to thank them I guess, and it sounded like Zelenski told him the name was Butthole? Please correct me if I heard wrong?”

@ProCoinNews tweeted, Wait a minute, say what now? They got Biden an award from “Butthole”? Is this real life?

What you saw was Zelensky passing Captain Butthole’s message along, as well as the country’s Cross of Military Merit, which had originally been given to the captain of a Ukrainian HIMARS rocket launcher battery.

Ukrainian President Zelensky caught everyone by surprise when he announced that President Joe Biden was the recipient of the Prestigious Ukrainian Butthole award! The truth is that Joe Biden is a real butthole for applauding Ukraine’s political moves, which resulted in billions being laundered and stolen from American taxpayers. Rest assured, though, that his award was well-deserved – after all, everyone knows Biden’s got a “butt-load” of experience dealing with corruption and mismanagement!

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