NBC Execs REGRET RENEWING Jimmy Fallon’s $80 Million Contract – Here’s Why!

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 In another chapter of the culture war that is raging across all forms of media in the United States, it appears that the liberals are losing on another front. Late Night Television.

Jimmy Fallon has gone from a funny guy on Saturday Night Live to being a puppet for the liberal controlled media, spewing misinformation and enabling hate towards the conservative majority in America.

American outlook reports, NBC executives are reportedly regretting renewing Jimmy Fallon’s $80 million contract, now that Greg Gutfeld of FOX News is the ratings king of late night TV. 

Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show is losing the ratings war to FOX News rival Greg Gutfeld – leaving NBC brass with buyer’s remorse.

Fallon’s Tonight Show draws less than half the audience of upstart Gutfeld nearly 19 months after the Peacock Network handed him an $80 million five-year extension.

That number is even more shocking when compared to Fallon’s celebrated debut! After taking over for Jay Leno, the 48-year-old Saturday Night Live alum drew 11 million viewers – but Stephen Colbert’s CBS Late Show is now edging him out in the ratings!

According to a source, NBC regrets Jimmy’s pricey long-term contract and said, “The network knows the days of tens of millions tuning in to The Tonight Show are past – but they were counting on Jimmy to do better than this! ”

Those NBC executives received in exchange for their 80 million dollars, skits that are so cringeworthy, that it is physically painful to watch.

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NBC executives are reportedly regretting renewing Jimmy Fallon’s $80 million contract as culture wars and comedic rivalries spark a fierce battle for late night viewership – and it appears FOX News has won the war. Greg Gutfeld’s show still pulls in more than double the audience of Fallon, shaking up the expectations of viewers who were wowed by Fallon’s initial debut. Colbert may have now even overtaken him in the ratings, leaving NBC apologizing to audiences over their big bet on Fallon. It appears it is finally time for the Saturday Night Live alum to retire from his role as host of The Tonight Show.

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