M&M’s Continues Their Virtue Signaling Trend and This One Reeks of Hypocrisy

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It’s no secret that M&M’s, one of the most popular candy brands in the world, is notorious for their virtue signaling antics. This latest one is no different. After years filled with disastrous statements about racial justice and equality, this flavor of condescending rhetoric only reeks of hypocrisy.

The inability to determine who is a woman and who is a man has been made into an overly complicated matter. Well, Mars Candy seems to think they can still make the distinction with their new campaign. This is  just another desperate attempt to virtue signal to the tiny majority of people who have lost their minds. What’s another attempt to try to sell out?

Town Hall Reports, In an age when it is supposedly impossible to define what a woman is, Mars candy is proclaiming that their M&M’s can tell the difference between women and men by releasing limited-edition packs that are “all-female.”

Our team won’t bore you with too much chocolate candy biology, but M&M’s claims that their green, brown, and purple candies are, in fact, women, and so are the only colors that will appear in their “flip the status quo” campaign.

On a Twitter announcement here is what they had to say:

We’re celebrating women across the country who are flipping the status quo! Help us shine the spotlight by nominating a woman in your life who is breaking barriers and paving a new path.

Those who follow the politics of anthropomorphic candy might remember that, back in 2015, Mars caused another controversy with a tweet featuring brown and green female M&Ms that led to questions about the sexual orientation of two-thirds of the flip the status quo campaign’s stars.

Upon reading the 2015 tweet, one Twitter user responded, “UM DID YOU JUST QUEER YOUR CANDY?” 

As part of its latest product offering, Mars says it wants to celebrate women who are “transforming the world around them” so that “it is more colorful and welcoming for all.” The She Is the Music and We are Moving the Needle organizations will receive $1 for every sale of these new all-female packs, up to $500,000 total, between now and April. 

The stated goal of M&M is to celebrate women. However, gendering M&M’s and doing a woke PR campaign to signal virtuousness is something Americans have come to expect from the same companies that change their logos to the pride flag in June while doing business and profiting from countries that oppress gay citizens. 

More Importantly, according to Zippia, Mars’ workforce which makes M&M’s is underrepresented by women. Zippia reports that Mars has a male-dominated workforce of 57 percent, while the female workforce is 43 percent. Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women make up over 46 percent of the American workforce. Therefore, Mars has an underrepresentation of women. Yet again, a company trying to get others woke fails to hold itself to the same standard.

As Americans, we are tired of listening to some companies boast about their new “woke” antics. These companies want to look morally superior and yet, when it comes down to it, they don’t live up to their own messaging. If these companies really cared about women, wouldn’t they just fire the majority of their male employees and replace them with female staff? Of course not- that would be way too drastic. Instead of expecting us to jump on board with their latest agenda, corporations should focus on what they’re good at, because let’s face it: they’re not very successful when it comes to wokeness. Let’s send them a clear and concise message: Go woke go Broke.

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