RINO turncoat Paul Ryan has slithered from his hole again, this time to the safe space of CNN, where he proceeded to trash President Donald Trump with a slew of incendiary remarks including that Trump is a “proven loser”. But is he really a loser, or is Ryan the one who’s lost his way? Watch this video to find out the truth about Ryan’s controversial comments, the social media reactions to them, and his legacy in American politics.
It’s snake Paul Ryan slithering out of his hole yet again – this time to the safe space of CNN – to bash Donald Trump with buzzwords like “fading fast” and “proven loser.” Ryan’s snake-like behavior shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, the former House Speaker has always been willing to take a few cheap shots at Trump.
Here’s the moment.
PAUL RYAN: "[Trump is] fading fast. He is a proven loser. He cost us the House in '18. He cost us the White House in '20. He cost us the Senate again and again. And I think we all know that and I think we're moving past Trump. […] I can't imagine him getting the nomination." pic.twitter.com/VmepOjjpQr
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 12, 2023
It’s obvious, from those remarks, why Paul Ryan is facing such intense backlash on Twitter. After 14 years of peddling false and empty promises to the American people, only for them to fall flat – it’s no wonder users are decrying him as a slippery opportunist who shirks from taking any personal responsibility. This type of behavior is characteristic of RINO snakes, but we expect more from a politician in a position of power – especially since he made those promises in our names!
Election Wizzard Tweeted, “BANNON: “Paul Ryan [is] the poster boy for ‘controlled opposition.’”

One user compared him to a popular character on Yellowstone, “He’s a Jamie in Yellowstone”
Dr. Andrew Jackson Tweeted, “Paul Ryan is an opportunist. He is slippery. He is doing all he can to blame others and not take any personal responsibility.”

@tiffanyandsadie tweeted, “Does anyone even like Paul Ryan?”

Josh Dunlap tweeted, “A reminder that @SpeakerRyan’s own national ticket with @MittRomney lost but Trump’s in 2016 won. It’s been 15 yrs of RINO like Paul Ryan making false and empty promises to the American people, and then blaming Trump when you FAIL!”

@Cernovich tweeted, “None of us want to hear from Paul Ryan. That’s why he is going on CNN. Otherwise no one would even remember he existed.”

Andrew Pollack tweeted, “I’ll take Donald Trump’s MAGA over Paul Ryan’s neoconservatism any damn day.”

RINO turncoat Paul Ryan can no longer hide from the truth – his betrayal of President Trump and the American people is now plain for all to see! His legacy of failed policies, blatant cover-ups, and toxic rhetoric have finally caught up with him. And yet, even now he has still slithered from his hole to a safe space on CNN in order to brazenly trash Trump. Patriots everywhere are furious with RINO villain Paul Ryan for callously turning his back on those who once trusted him. Let this be a lesson to any RINO traitors that loyalty to the people comes first!
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