UNHOLY ALLIANCE: Michigan Enters the Dark Ages, Allows Bloodshed in the Name of Faith -Horrifying!

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OUT OF CONTROL: Are Michigan’s authorities out of their minds?! With their unholy alliance between Michigan and those looking to make sacrifices in the name of religion, it looks like it’s open season on innocent animals as ‘religious freedom’ now permits Muslims and Satanists to dismember helpless creatures.

Is this the freedom of religion that the founding fathers had intended for our country – is it really what Thomas Jefferson wanted? This permission granted by Michigan’s leadership is an utter scandal, it invokes fear and it brings Michigan back into darkness. The demonic pact allows those who thirst for blood to shed it in literal buckets and incite animal slaughtering everywhere – a monstrous move if there ever was one. Is this really what Michiganders want their dear state to be remembered for?

On Tuesday night, Hamtramck City Council approved religious sacrifices of animals on residential property after months of contentious debate.

Both sides spoke out on the issue to city leaders. The local news noted that the ordinance requires notification to the city at least a week in advance for religious sacrifices.

The community remains divided as CBS Detroit reports,

The Muslim majority city council of Hamtramck has approved animal sacrifice, and it’s truly outrageous. We have gone from a society that loves pets to one that allows the killing of dogs and chickens. It’s barbaric and it’s hard to believe that this is happening in 2020. It’s even more shocking that PETA and the mainstream media have been silent on this issue. It’s like they don’t exist. Where are the vegans and the outraged left-wingers? We need to raise our voices and speak out against this atrocity. We cannot allow this kind of cruelty to animals to go unchecked. We must stand up for our furry friends and not allow this kind of barbarism to become the norm. We must protect the innocent and speak out against this kind of injustice.

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