National Security Alert: 42 Counties Declare ‘Invasion’ at Border?

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In a stunning turn for the nation’s security, an undeniable “invasion” has been declared by 42 counties in Texas. As US Vice President Harris skips a border visit to Arizona and the Biden administration scrambles to resolve the border crisis, many locals feel their federal government has abandoned them. With hundreds of thousands of immigrants crossing into the US, Texans are taking their safety into their own hands to ward off an unwanted “invasion”. The severity of this situation cannot be overstated — it truly is time for the federal government to step up and do its job.

The border crisis in the United States is looking to become an even bigger problem for the Biden administration. Illegal immigrants continue to pour through the US-Mexico border, and 42 Texas counties, who are being overwhelmed by the influx of migrants, have requested that Governor Greg Abbott declare an invasion at the border. This was further highlighted when Vice President Kamala Harris made a visit to Arizona on Thursday and did not choose to visit the U.S.-Mexico border – a key responsibility amid this crisis. The Biden administration seems to be more focused on pandering to the black community for votes and killing off the gas and oil industry than facing up to it’s responsibility of controlling illegal immigration. Sadly, it looks like there is no end in sight for this crisis as long as Biden continues with his current policy plans and neglects this issue.

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris made a trip to Arizona on Thursday, but what was notably missing from the visit was a border tour. Despite the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border being supposedly a key part of her responsibilities as Vice President, Harris decided not to stop there as part of her trip. However, later in the day she addressed the media and talked about how she will be traveling there soon.

In an alarming display of the Biden administration’s America Last Policy, Vice President Harris chose to skip a border visit from Arizona and thus conveniently placed the border crisis onto local Texan counties. With 42 counties declaring an “invasion” of desperate immigrants, many locals feel abandoned and exposed – it is evident that the government has decided to ignore the issue altogether. Texans have been forced to take wartime security measures into their own hands in order to protect themselves, but this is simply not enough. It is time for Kamala, Joe and their administration to recognize that their silence on this matter puts hundreds of thousands of people at risk – this is no exaggeration, but a simple fact they must remember every step of the way. Ameria Last Policy can never be tolerated; it utterly destroys our communities as well as our faith in our government.

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