AOC Brings Communism to New York, Shocks Voters With Communist Title

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 During a recent speech, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) referred to the Queens, New York neighborhood of Astoria as the ‘People’s Republic’ – a sly reference to the official name of Communist China? This reference has left many in shock and anger, wondering if AOC was perhaps bragging about bringing socialism to the United States? It’s certainly an interesting moment that deserves close attention.

Welcome to the United States, where freedom is being snatched up by far-left politicians attempting to bring socialism to our great nation!  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) recently made a speech referring to her Queens neighborhood as the ‘People’s Republic of Astoria’ – which is an obvious nod to the Chinese Communist Party, who call themselves the ‘People’s Republic of China.’  But instead of respecting freedom, AOC seems determined to make America more like the oppressive despotic regime in China rather than uphold freedom and democratic values that our nation should be built on. 

Newsbusters reports, It is a pleasure to welcome you to the ‘People’s Republic of Astoria!’

It’s the name far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) gave the Queens, New York neighborhood.

AOC made the sly Communist China reference during the inauguration of fellow far-left politician Kristen Gonzalez, while bragging about having a Democrat Socialist at every level of government in New York state.


AOC’s comments angered some local community members, some of whom fled communist countries.

NY post reports, AOC ignored China’s horrific history of committing human-rights atrocities, as she instead referenced a plot line from “The Avengers” Marvel series; naming her Democrat Socialist friend Kristen Gonzalez as being the missing infinity stone.

However, Brooklyn Councilman Ari Kagan, who grew up under Soviet rule in Belarus, ripped AOC and her socialist allies, saying, “adore failed communist ideas that so many people ran away from.”

He continued “Her statement is an insult not just to Chinese Americans who left the communist People’s Republic for a chance to live in a free Democratic society — but to all Americans,” he said. “The last thing we need here is to recreate the system where the government stifles the market economy, exchange of ideas, free press and independent courts.”

While freedom-loving Americans are disgusted by AOC’s attempt to brand her home of Astoria a “People’s Republic,” the reality is that she is indeed attempting to bring the same repressive evil of Communist China here to the United States. Trump supporters know only too well that socialist policies are nothing but disastrous and can only lead our country down a dangerous path. We must embrace freedom, eliminate socialism in all its forms, and reelect President Trump in 2024! It’s time to take back our nation from those who would promote such evil ideologies like communism and AOC who has proven time and time again that she is truly nuts!

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