Panic is the Word Inside FL Dem Headquarters

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The Florida Democratic Party are in panic mode following the midterm elections – Gov. Ron DeSantis won by a nearly 20 point margin, taking even traditional strongholds like Miami deep into Ruby Red territory. Insiders report an atmosphere of despair and worry, as the party seemingly fails to grasp the zeitgeist of freedom loving Floridians. Whether the Democratic leadership can recover from these crushing defeats and return to their stronghold remains to be seen.

Democrats in Florida are reeling from a disastrous election season that has seen their Democratic Party suffer major defeats at all levels of government. With the Ruby Red State now firmly under Republican rule, Democrat insiders have reported a mounting sense of panic and despair within their party. 

Washington Examiner reports. According to insiders, the Democratic Party in Florida is in a state of panic and despair after a series of crushing defeats.

Two months out from a major defeat, the party is facing a dire situation according to a dozen activists, former lawmakers, donors, and other leaders.

Governor Ron DeSantis defeated Democratic challenger Charlie Crist by nearly 20 points in November’s midterm elections. Miami-Dade County, which has traditionally been deep blue, even went for him.

Fernand Amandi, a veteran Floridian Democratic operative, spoke about the defeat stating “ The thing about Florida Democrats is we keep learning with every passing year that just when you thought you had hit bottom, you discover that there are new abysses to fall deeper and deeper into,”

Amandi continued “There is no plan. There’s nothing. It’s just a state of suspended animation and chaos — and, more than anything, it’s the mournful regret and acceptance that Florida has been cast aside for the long, foreseeable future,”

Recently Ron Desantis has put a halt to another liberal attempt at indoctrination.

Ny Post reports. DeSantis defended his state’s rejection of a black history advanced placement course, calling it progressive “indoctrination” masquerading as impartial education.

In response to Florida education officials nixing a course on African American history, DeSantis received heavy criticism, with some claiming racism was at play.

According to the Republican governor, the state wants “education, not indoctrination.” According to him, elements of the course were permeated with “radical” political perspectives that did not capture the full spectrum of black public opinion on a number of issues, including criminal justice.


It’s safe to say the democrats in Florida are in panic mode, as their deep-blue stronghold has been thrown out the window. Republicans overtook Democrats all over the state, and Governor Ron DeSantis won major victories with nearly a 20-point gap in November’s midterm election results. These results indicate that even Miami-Dade County, a historically liberal area, is now ruby red. The democrats can no longer rely on their traditional Blue Wave strategies – freedom loving Floridians have spoken and they clearly won’t stand for any more dismal failures disguised as woke policies.

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