Ukraine in Chaos! Mass Resignations, Corruption, Luxury, Embezzlement & Bribery Revealed!

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Outrage is growing in Ukraine, with recent evidence of government corruption and luxury at the expense of its citizens coming to light. Top officials have been accused of misusing your tax dollars, allegedly amassing luxury cars, mansions, and other expensive items while its people suffer in the war ravaged nation. The mass resignation sparked by recent reports of embezzlement and bribery has caused a firestorm – it was all a massive grift – America has been swindled! Ukrainians are increasingly putting pressure on their government officials as continued mismanagement of aid funds has resulted in uproar throughout the country.

The Ukrainian government recently confirmed the mass resignation of numerous high-ranking officials amidst a continuously mounting corruption scandal. This marks one of, if not the biggest, grift scandal since the Russian invasion began. Over a dozen officials are leaving their posts while being investigated on charges ranging from bribery, to embezzlement, to mismanagement of international aid. The egregious details of some officers driving expensive cars while many other people in Ukraine struggle under wartime conditions paid for with your tax dollars at work make this especially disturbing news. It has become increasingly clear that America and its taxpayers have been swindled by a system fraught with theft and corruption.

The Godfather of the Liberty Movement wasn’t shocked at all when he weighed in on the scandal now rocking Ukraine.

What are we doing there indeed?

ZeroHedge reports, “Despite the defense ministry’s efforts to downplay the scandal as a technical error, Politico reviews the details of the scandal:

Ukrainian news website ZN.UA revealed last week that the defense ministry bought overpriced food supplies for its troops. For instance, the ministry bought eggs for 17 hryvnias per piece, while eggs in Kyiv cost around 7 hryvnias. A contract for food procurement for soldiers in 2023 was worth 13.16 billion hryvnias (€328 million).

According to reports, this is two to three times higher than current rates. According to Shapovalov’s resignation letter, he resigned so that he doesn’t pose a threat to the stable supply of food services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In early December of last year, photos from The New Voice of Ukraine, republished in Yahoo News, showed deputy head of the Zelensky administration, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, frequently behind the wheel of a shiny new Porsche Taycan.

Here’s his mansion. Doesn’t look like its endured the cost of war but clearly at the cost of US Taxpayers.

Just last month a congressional hearing was held on Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Resolution To Audit Ukraine Aid where Congressman Gerry Connolly of the the 11th District of Virginia agued against any oversight on aid sent to Ukraine.

I wonder if this breaking scandal has changed Connolly’s mind or if the kickbacks he’s probably getting are just too sweet for him to care.

In November Greene made her argument to audit Ukraine on the House floor.

Speaking yesterday at a meeting of the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his appreciation for the ongoing support from US financial giants such as BlackRock, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs. But he also emphasized that arming Ukraine against Russian aggression was “big business” for US companies, underscoring the promise of lucrative opportunities in providing heavier weapons such as Abrams Tanks. His remarks come as Ukraine continues to be embroiled in a major corruption scandal, although Zelensky avoided reference to it during his address.

Ron Paul has been proven right again, with the news coming out of Ukraine. Misuse of tax dollars by government officials, who have reportedly been amassing luxury cars, mansions and other items while the people suffer in a war-ravaged nation… It leaves one to ask – what are we doing sending our money to Ukraine? A full audit needs to be done, without question. After all, billions of dollars have been pledged in US defense and foreign aid over the past year and yet these acts of corruption are now being revealed in the very heart of Kiev’s administration. To make matters worse they claim to have been ‘pushing anti-corruption reforms’ themselves for years. Something here just isn’t adding up.

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