Amazon’s New Payment System: Precursor to the “Mark of the Beast”?

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The Book of Revelation, penned by St. John during his exile on the island of Patmos, has been seen for centuries as an allegorical work of art and prophecy. The thought of some of its ideas, such as the dreaded “Mark of the Beast,” seemed impossible in the past. However, with time, it appears that some passages may indeed ring true – a warning of what is to come. The introduction of Amazon’s new “Palm Pay” technology appears to take us one step closer to St John’s vision and alarmingly so, closer to fulfilling End Times. The implications are certainly alarming as we continue our descent into this prophesied future.

The introduction of Amazon One and Palm Scanning payment technology brings a new, more secure way to pay. The encrypted scan not only makes the process easier and faster, but the continued development of this technology could revolutionize the way we shop in stores forever. This marking device could be seen by some as The “Mark of The Beast,” mentioned in The Bible’s Revelations; Could it signify The End Times? Whether it does or does not, the convenience and security Amazon One provides is undeniably something that should step into the limelight and become one with the ever advancing tech world.

The Amazon One palm scanning payment system is increasingly seeing widespread use and it’s deeply concerning. People are now able to “pay, enter, or identify” themselves with their palms using this technology in Amazon stores. Remarkably, the independent political commentator Richie Greenberg recently reported of an experience where customers can register their palm print and link it to their Amazon account for payments at Whole Foods in San Francisco.

Here is KPIX reporting the Orwellian news.

How absolutely terrifying!

This news has garnered quite a lot of attention on social media with people reacting to the disturbing technology.

Former Mayor Candidate Richie Greenberg said, “At Whole Foods in San Francisco: Register your palm print and link to your Amazon account for payment. At checkout – just scan your palm and off you go!

Are people being primed for the “Mark of the Beast” by this technology?

Another User @Duke_Lucas_ tweeted, “Amazon’s Palm Pay is not the Mark of the Beast, but it may be a precursor. Just my speculation.”

With the security and convenience of Amazon One’s palm scanning technology, it feels like we are one step closer to fulfilling the Book of Revelation. The “Mark of the Beast” has been a widely talked about prophecy since ancient times, and while Amazon One is not the fulfillment of this sign yet, it could be a precursor to it. The ability to quickly and easily link and use biometric data as payment through a simple scan of the hand has been pushed forward in the name of increased speed and accuracy – factors that have real implications on our personal identification and modern banking systems. The implications for humanity are both exciting yet horrifying, and only time will tell if this technology will be the Mark of the Beast… or something that prepares us for its coming.

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