Hypocrisy EXPOSED: The TRUTH Behind Ted Lieu’s Border Crisis Claims!

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One individual standing out from the crowd of those in government intent on lying to the American people is Representative Ted Lieu. Famed for his ability to twist and mold the truth with skill and confidence, Lieu never hesitates to use false information to serve his own agenda. Yet it appears that he does this with such professionalism, many people are fooled by his banal lies. His role as an elected representative has resulted in an insidious web of deceit, he himself can’t keep up.

In a judicial hearing Rep. Ted Lieu showcased what he does best. He caught many Americans off guard when he highlighted the fact that the southern border has been in crisis. While this is not true per his own past comment, it appears he sang a different tune not so long ago when Trump was in office. When President Biden came into office, Lieu forgot that he and other Democrats with their policies worsened the crisis at the border. Clearly, it was a matter of convenience when Democrats decided to pay attention to this issue.

TownHall reports, according to Ted Lieu (D-CA), during Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing about the border crisis, the southern border has always been in crisis, going back at least 50 years, but when Donald Trump was president he sang a different tune.

Lieu said: “This hearing is titled Biden’s Border Crisis.’ That is completely wrong. It is not Biden’s border crisis. This has been a crisis for over half a century.”

The comments he made today contradict what he said when President Trump asked Congress for funds to construct new walls along the U.S.-Mexico border, claiming there was no emergency.

Here was his tweet: “Dear @realDonaldTrump: Some facts.

There is no big crisis at the border, Violent crime dropped last year, Property crime dropped last year, Studies show immigrants, both documented and undocumented, commit less crimes than native born Americans. Time to stop the #TrumpShutdown

That was in response to Trump’s tweet, saying, “The crisis of illegal activity at our Southern Border is real and will not stop until we build a great Steel Barrier or Wall. Let work begin!”

Lieu said in a statement in 2019, “Trump’s proposed Declaration of a National Emergency is an authoritarian power grab that will be struck down in the courts. The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the ‘Power of the Purse’, and Trump cannot override the Constitution with a fake declaration. There is no national emergency.”

And for the remainder of the hearing, Democrats mostly accused Republicans of being racists for highlighting the problems Americans have faced since record numbers of illegal immigrants crossed the southern border. 

Democrats have been very critical of anything Donald Trump has attempted since his first day in office, following orders from their cult of democrats. This was made blatantly obvious when Rep. Ted Lieu then claimed there had been no presidential focus on the ongoing border crisis for the past 50 years – conveniently ignoring that it was a major focus of Trump’s campaign and subsequent term in office. While he may not realize it, Lieu was essentially giving Trump credit for claiming there was no crisis at the border at the time. Surely, he would have changed his mind then.

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