It’s On Camera! See How Karine Jean-Pierre Fared When Confronted By The New York Times

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Oh how the spin machine was in full swing during Monday’s press briefing, where KJP was forced to go to bat against an unlikely adversary… The New York Times.

Karine Jean Pierre is used to softball questions where she has little concise written responses for any of the presses questions already written out. However a line of questions came in from one of the more liberal outlets that left her….stretching a little.

Newsbusters reports, as part of Monday’s White House press briefing, Michael Shear of The New York Times trotted out a brutal line of questioning that pressed the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the reality that Democrats did not win the midterms because of President Biden, but in spite of him, as part of his State of the Union preparations.

KJP was asked “I think you made the assertion that the reason that there wasn’t a red wave or the reason that the elections and the midterms were more successful than many people thought they would be for Democrats was because of the President. Is that — that’s a fair”

Check out her response

There is a new report that came out showcasing just how bad KJP is at her job.

National review writes, taking over from Jen Psaki last May, the Biden administration’s current press secretary is just terrible. I mean that in a completely non-ideological way. In spite of the advantages that come with being a Democratic press secretary (as opposed to a Republican one), Jen Psaki did a relatively good job. She was competent, quick, witty, and often able to make the Biden administration’s multiple failures sound less devastating. Even when making rote and banal statements, Pierre rarely finishes a sentence without referring to her notebook. Occasionally, she can’t even form a coherent sentence when reading directly from her notebook:

David Marcus wrote about Jen Psaki’s oft-questionable relationship with the truth in a New York Post piece in September, but at least when she put words together, they made sense. For the same reason conservatives disliked Psaki, progressives disliked Kayleigh McEnany — both made partisan arguments for policies, positions, and ideas that the other side disagreed with. Regardless of their ideological content, Psaki and McEnany both had above-average ability. Somehow, Jean-Pierre struggles to do the very basic tasks that her job requires.

As of now there are countless clips where Karine Jean Pierre simply flat out refuses to answer a simple question, or where she stumbles over the truth, or simply reads from a piece of paper, with some crafted response that made sense to the 20 something year olds who wrote it. Clearly KJP cannot perform her job, and as a whole our nation looks like a bunch of children are running it. She made excuses for the failed Biden economy, changed the definition of the word recession, and failed to acknowledge any shortcoming of the current president. It is a dishonor to Americans for her to get in front of the podium and spew lies and half truths.

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