BOMBSHELL: Biden’s DHS HIRES Lawyers – Could There Be An Impeachment?

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Reports are coming in that the Biden Administration may be getting nervous about potential impeachment proceedings against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The Department has contracted a private law firm to help prepare for the possible legal ramifications of his seemingly failed efforts to secure U.S. borders,

As House Republicans consider launching a historical impeachment process against Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Biden’s Administration is not taking any chances. 

American outlook reports, recently articles of impeachment have been filed against the failed Department of Homeland Security Chief for his dereliction of duties regarding the southern border.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ impeachment is being taken seriously by the Biden Administration.

The Department of Homeland Security is bringing on a private law firm to help with potential impeachment proceedings against Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, according to three sources familiar with the matter. In order to defend Mayorkas against impeachment, they have hired a private law firm, Debevoise & Plimpton.

House Republicans have been moving to build a case against Mayorkas as they consider launching rare impeachment proceedings against a Cabinet secretary.

Recently Mayorkas testified in front of congress, where he apparently lied to congress.

Following the articles of impeachment, and Mayorkas’s apparent lies to a congressional oversight committee a statement was released from the Department of Homeland Security.

A spokesperson stated “The Department of Homeland Security has retained outside counsel to help ensure the Department’s vital mission is not interrupted by the unprecedented, unjustified, and partisan impeachment efforts by some Members of Congress, who have already taken steps to initiate proceedings, DHS will continue prioritizing its work to protect our country from terrorism, respond to natural disasters, and secure our borders while responding appropriately to the over 70 Congressional committees and subcommittees that have oversight of DHS,”

Despite the fact that the Department of Homeland Security Office of General Counsel has a number of lawyers to handle immigration and cybersecurity matters, the outside firm is being brought in on a government contract and will be utilized only as necessary during the process, another source said.

When Debevoise & Plimpton was reached out to by multiple news agencies the firm declined to comment.

In US history, a Cabinet secretary has only been impeached once, when William Belknap, the secretary of war, was impeached by the House before being acquitted by the Senate in 1876.

Republican lawmakers have argued that Mayorkas’ claims that he has operational control of the border are untrue and that the record arrests mark a dereliction of duty – two themes that have repeatedly surfaced in congressional hearings and have been cited as reasons to impeach the secretary of homeland security.

It appears that the Department of Homeland Security may soon be embroiled in an impeachment process due to reported failed policies under Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. House Republicans are said to be building a case against him, as evidence suggests he may have allowed over 1.7 million economic migrants to cross President Joe Biden’s border. It is unclear whether or not he will become criminally liable for his actions, and if so, this would certainly prove his unfit status for the DH secretary role. The Biden Administration’s decision to hire a private law firm to defend against the potential impeachment of Mayorkas shows just how seriously they are taking this grave issue. Moreover, it may demonstrate an alignment with the liberal agenda of providing drastic change from the conservative policies favored by previous administrations.

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