Hawley UNLEASHED: Drops 7 Word Anvil on Biden’s Head with IMPEACHABLE Accusation

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 Senator Hawley delivered a shocking accusation in an exclusive live interview — that President Biden was blatantly ignoring his duties by neglecting border control and immigration laws. The Senator UNLEASHED an explosive seven-word anvil describing the acts, I would call, “impeachable” after detailing the disturbing breaches of security at the borders in the US.

GOP Senator Josh Hawley alleges that President Biden has irresponsibly done nothing to keep the border secure, engaging in open-door immigration policies that go against the protection of our nation. He blamed the Biden Administration for neglecting to take any effective measure on limiting illegal entry, leaving the U.S vulnerable and taxpayers. 

Summit news reports, in a statement Thursday, Republican Senator Josh Hawley said the Biden Administration intentionally left the border wide open and wasn’t enforcing immigration laws.

Here is what the senator had to the reporter.


Senators’ remarks come as CBP figures show that over 150,000 illegals were encountered in January, according to the latest figures.

A director at RNC Research tweeted: There were 156,274 illegal border encounters in January. This January is WORSE than last January. In fact, it’s the worst January since 2001. Not only that, there have now been 23 straight of encounters above 150,000 for the first time in history.

This all comes after Biden press secretary Karine Jean Piere had to say.

According to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, Chinese nationals illegally crossing the southern border into the U.S. have increased by 800%.

With the current administration dragging us further and further away from the reality, it’s more important than ever to pay attention to what’s going on at the top. It has become increasingly clear that those in leadership roles are taking advantage of their positions and attempting to erode our freedoms and liberties. Ultimately, it is up to citizens to make the change we desire; if enough people take a stand for what is right, we can rid ourselves of this disaster in 2024. However, we must remember the left takes every opportunity to promote chaos and destruction in order to control people – if we stay alert and involved, we can focus our efforts on waking people up.

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