Michael Cohen EMERGES With Sickening Attack on Donald Trump You Need to See To Believe

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 In a recent stunning bombshell of an interview to MSNBC, former lawyer and turncoat Michael Cohen made the vastly jaw-dropping claim that President Donald J. Trump is a sociopath! Unbelievable? Yes, but he didn’t just leave it at that sinister accusation. He went on to call him more dangerous than even Red China.

Is Traitorous Michael Cohen speaking the truth? This outrageous attack on Trump has certainly caused a commotion among American citizens and concerned individuals alike. It’s up to you to decide what’s real, what’s right and who truly deserves the label “sociopath”. Don’t miss out on this astounding feud between one of America’s most powerful leaders and his former aide!

News Busters reports, are Chinese spying activities a threat to the US’s national security? If you listen to Michael Cohen, you would think otherwise. According to Michael Cohen, Donald Trump seems to be our biggest national security threat at the moment.

In 2017, Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress, but now he is surely telling the truth about one thing. According to Cohen’s books, Retribution and Disloyalty, he is determined to bring down Donald Trump in retribution for the wrongs he believes Trump has committed against him.

Which makes Cohen an ideal guest for all of Fake News especially MSNBC.

On Saturday morning, Cohen appeared on Katie Phang’s show. The initial focus was on Cohen meeting again with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office. This was in regards to a possible prosecution of Trump for allegedly paying $130,000 to Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence regarding a possible affair.

Ultimately, the conversation shifted to Trump’s handling of classified documents. As a result, this turned into a stunning exchange.


The segment ended with Phang – with malicious, grinning glee – saying she’d have to get Cohen back on the show. . . when Trump is indicted.

Former lawyer and now-disgraced Michael Cohen recently sat down with MSNBC for a riveting interview, where he made outrageous claims about President Trump – among them being that the president is a sociopath. Cohen’s incredible words have thrown gasoline on the flames of an already burning fire of ‘fake news’ plaguing Trump since even before his election. It seems Cohen, having become the traitor he is today, will stop at nothing to discredit and dishonor Trump by sweeping generalized and unsubstantiated accusations that are beyond preposterous. To even go as far as to suggest that the President is more dangerous than Red China, shows just how far Cohen has strayed from truth and decency – making him someone too untrustworthy and unreliable to be taken seriously.

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