BREAKING: US On High Alert – Russia Deploys Nuclear Warships; Intercepts Russian Aircraft Over US!

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The stakes have just been raised as the US is now officially on high alert, with the news of the deployment of nuclear warships by Russia in the Baltic Sea. In a dramatic move that may bring us one step closer to WW3, the Biden-administration just intercepted 4 Russian aircraft flying above Alaska. Now, the globe is waiting to see what the response from the Russian government will be and whether or not this could serve as the onset of another World War. We can only imagine what the Biden camp is feeling now – Is it fear? Anxiety? Or maybe Biden is just eating applesauce.

The stakes have just been raised as the United States and its allies continue to aid the Ukraine: the Norwegian Intelligence Service has reported that Russia has deployed nuclear weapon-armed vessels into the Baltic Sea for the first time in 30 years.

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) also confirmed the alarming news that four Russian aircraft had been intercepted above Alaska on Monday.

The situation is only escalating. With the deployment of military firepower in both the Baltic Sea and the US skies, one can help but to fear the potential WW3 is inches closer than ever before.

Regarding Russia’s nuclear armed warship deployment, Politico reports, warships of the Northern Fleet regularly carried nuclear weapons during the Cold War, but this is the first time the modern Russian Federation has done so, the report said.

Despite the fact that Russia has submarine capabilities, anti-satellite weapons, and cyber capabilities that could threaten Norway and NATO, tactical nuclear weapons pose a particularly serious threat to NATO countries in several operational scenarios, the report concluded.

Moreover, Norwegian intelligence noted that escalation of the localized conflict into a wider conflict involving the United States, NATO and Norway cannot be ruled out.

According to Fox News, four Russian aircraft were detected and intercepted over the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone on Monday.

NORAD described the incident as routine. NORAD dispatched two F-16 fighter jets to intercept four Russian aircraft, including a fighter jet and bomber.

Russia has recently been deploying nuclear-armed ships in the Baltic Sea and Arctic for the first time in 30 years. Putin has also sent two Russian Tu-142 Bear aircraft to test U.S. and Canadian air defense zones, as well as three guided-missile cruisers across the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea to counter NATO carrier strike groups. Furthermore, Russia has warned of nuclear deployment if Sweden and Finland join NATO.

These developments are a sign of increased tensions between Russia and the West, especially in light of the ongoing Ukraine war.

The stakes have been raised, the world has become increasingly on-edge and the prospect of the dreaded WW3 inches closer. Tensions have dramatically escalated between the Biden administration and Russia following the reported deployment of nuclear warships in the Baltic Sea and the recent interception of 4 Russian aircraft above Alaska. As many global citizens grapple with the uncertainty of the future, those close to the American President might find themselves within a severely charged atmosphere, likely filled with fear or anxiety for what’s to come. However, no one will ever know for sure the emotions that run through the President’s head as he is behind closed doors, most likely enjoying his favorite snack: applesauce! The ball is now in America’s court as they must decide on the measures they’ll take to prevent WW3 from breaking out – if such efforts are made at all.

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