Biden’s Radical Pick For Labor Secretary Sparks Controversy

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Rising inflation and a crumbling economy have been the hallmark of Democratic policies over the years, and it appears President Biden is set to continue this trend by nominating an extreme left-wing policymaker as his Labor Secretary.

With millions of jobs on the line, this appointment could prove pivotal in shaping labor policies going forward – potentially triggering inflation and inflationary pressures that could be disastrous for American workers and small businesses.

Fox Business reports, Biden will nominate Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su to lead the Labor Department, replacing Marty Walsh, who will become the NHL Players’ Association’s executive director.

Su is the former secretary of labor for California, and she may face a tough confirmation battle. In July 2021, the US Senate confirmed her to her current position 50-47.

In a statement released by the White House stating “Julie has spent her life fighting to make sure that everyone has a fair shot, that no community is overlooked, and that no worker is left behind, Over several decades, Julie has led the largest state labor department in the nation, cracked down on wage theft, fought to protect trafficked workers, increased the minimum wage, created good-paying, high-quality jobs, and established and enforced workplace safety standards.”

While Joe Biden is thrilled to have Julie come on as the labor secretary, many Republicans from California are not.

Seven congressional Republicans from California previously signed on to a letter that urged Biden not to consider Su for the position.

As California’s labor secretary, Su was accused of overseeing one of the largest cases of unemployment insurance fraud during the pandemic, as well as implementing one of the most destructive labor policies in decades. Rep. Kevin Kiley, R-California, led the charge.

This radical pick by Biden could have long-lasting effects on labor policy in America, pushing for inflationary policies that could leave many businesses and working Americans worse off. It is now more important than ever to spread awareness of the real facts and challenge left-wing agendas that look to destroy prosperity and opportunity at every turn. Unless action is taken now, inflation will continue to erode Americans’ economic stability and take our nation further down the path of financial ruin.

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