SYSTEM ERROR: Biden’s Operating System FAILS Again – PROVING His Brain is Shot

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It seems that President Biden is always on a gaffe-spree, with one embarrassing incident after another. The latest in the series include Biden’s futile attempt to pronounce the name of a National Monument meant to celebrate and honor tribal nations and indigenous peoples. If that wasn’t cringe-worthy enough, on the same day he also struggled and ultimately failed to read a poem off a teleprompter during an Arts and Humanities Award Ceremony.

This week, President Biden signed a proclamation establishing the Avi Kwa Ame (Ah-VEE kwa-meh) National Monument in honor of tribal nations and indigenous peoples. 

On Tuesday, he announced: “Today, I’m proud to use my authority to establish the Avi Kwa Ame National Monument – or “Spirit Mountain” – in Nevada. It’s one of America’s most beautiful landscapes that’s rich in biodiversity and sacred to so many Tribes who have been there since time immemorial.”

The only problem is – during a ceremony – he couldn’t even pronounce the monument’s name.

While trying to pronounce its name, the audience intervened as those in attendance yelled out the correct pronunciation.

Later in the day during an Arts and Humanities Award Ceremony, Biden once again embarrassed himself, as he failed to read a poem off of his teleprompter.

President Biden’s continuous verbal stumbles only furthers the viewpoint that he is not the strong, highly-articulate leader that America deserves. Biden’s gaffes not only undermine his own image, but also the very causes he champions, casting a shadow on the seriousness and gravity attached to issues like indigenous peoples’ rights, arts and humanities. Acknowledging and rectifying his flaws is imperative, because as every gaffe piles up.

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