Kerry’s Climate Proposal Leaves Many Americans Scratching Their Heads!

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While most of his elderly peers are busy planning their retirement or their funerals, former Secretary of State John Kerry appears to be wasting his final years on this planet. The 80 year old has always been acting as the United States Climate Czar and is attempting to fund what many of us would call a “Climate Change Scam.” His recent comments will have you scratching your head because of just how stupid it is.

John Kerry is making a conservative argument for us. The climate Czar is claiming we ought to join forces with the top emissions producers in China and India to fight his scam of a movement. 

Breitbart reports, climate Change Special Envoy John Kerry said on Friday that the United States must work with China and Russia.

Kerry discussed working with the communist country to combat climate change in an interview with Yahoo News on Friday saying “We have to work with China, we have to work with India.”

Under the Biden administration, Kerry holds a cabinet-level position that was not confirmed by the Senate and is responsible for energy and climate policy. Located in the State Department with an estimated annual budget of $13.9 million and 45 employees, the climate envoy sits on the National Security Council and Joe Biden’s cabinet.

John Kerry tried to articulate his reasoning while simultaneously debunking why it would be detrimental to China.

China and the United States issued a joint declaration in late 2021 on aggressive emissions reduction measures. In the Obama administration (when Biden was vice president), Kerry had a “productive working relationship” with his Chinese counterpart.

In February, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) decided to probe Kerry’s climate negotiations with his Chinese counterpart since Kerry has not released details of the meetings. In order to understand Kerry’s activities, Comer requested some transparency.

The running joke within the conservative movement when it pertains to carbon emission has been to ask China to get their act together first. However we all know that will never happen because John Kerry debunked himself while babbling on about nothing. He said, if China were to completely go green, that would essentially destroy their economy. China isn’t stupid. Why else are they trying to partner with both the second and largest oil producers of oil in the nation? So they can cut back on their emissions? Doubtful!

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