Demands Grow for CUNY Defunding Amidst Controversial Anti-American and Anti-Semitic Graduation Address

Demands Grow for CUNY Defunding Amidst Controversial Anti-American and Anti-Semitic Graduation Address
Demands Grow for CUNY Defunding Amidst Controversial Anti-American and Anti-Semitic Graduation Address
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Bold action needed to combat growing radicalism at CUNY

After an anti-American and anti-Semitic graduation speech at the City University of New York (CUNY) law school, there are increasing calls for defunding the school as the spread of radicalism at colleges and universities reaches a breaking point. In the fight against systematic bigotry and biased political ideologies, funds must be withheld to prevent further indoctrination of students.

Campuses have become hotbeds for radicalism and intolerance, with CUNY’s recent graduation ceremony serving as prime evidence. A legal advocacy group, the International Legal Forum and National Jewish Advocacy Center, is urging the IRS to revoke CUNY’s tax-exempt status after that hate-filled speech. They argue that CUNY’s promotion of anti-Semitism and support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement violates federal regulations that prohibit tax-exempt organizations from promoting political ideologies.

The speech made by Fatima Mousa Mohammed, a member of Students for Justice in Palestine, contained appalling lies about Israel and Zionists. Rooting her diatribe in far-left ideologies, she accused capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, and “white supremacy” of perpetuating the evils she saw in the Jewish state. Furthermore, she denounced the police and the federal prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation, which worked as fundraisers for the terrorist group Hamas.

The radicalization on campuses across America must be confronted, with the key to driving change being the withdrawal of funding. Large private institutions with huge endowments – such as Ivy League schools supported by left-wing alumni – might be more challenging to pressure, but schools like CUNY must be cut off from the financial lifelines that allow them to persist in their endeavours.

Prominent voices have already joined in the call to defund CUNY, including renowned law professor Alan Dershowitz, who believes that NY taxpayers should not be funding this breed of systematic bigotry. Americans should no longer tolerate the biased environment that pervades higher education – it’s time to take a stand and stop institutions from further radicalizing the minds of our students.

Defunding as a necessary tactic to stem the tide of radicalism

The radicalization happening in our nation’s colleges and universities, like CUNY, must be stopped. The best way to achieve this is to cut off their funding, forcing them to confront the damage they have done and encourage change in these institutions. This is the most effective action Americans can take to protect the values and beliefs that define our great nation.


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