Ireland Targets 200,000 Methane-Emitting Cows in Bold Move Against Climate Change

Ireland Targets 200,000 Methane-Emitting Cows in Bold Move Against Climate Change
Ireland Targets 200,000 Methane-Emitting Cows in Bold Move Against Climate Change
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**Globalists are targeting Western food production, and crooked officials are more than happy to help. Governments across Europe are making drastic moves in the name of climate change — but what does this mean for our food supply?**

The globalist movement has taken aim at food production in the West, and as usual, government officials are more than happy to oblige. In November, The Netherlands, a major European food producer, saw 3,000 productive farms shut down to comply with global warming goals. Then in December, Germany ordered farmers to slash fertilizer usage following the Dutch farm closures, all in the name of climate change.

Now Irish lawmakers are advocating a plan to cull 200,000 cows to reach their global warming goals. As reported by Farm World, the Irish government is considering a significant reduction in the number of dairy cows to reach its climate change targets. They are targeting a 25% emissions reduction from farming by 2030. This translates to a 10% reduction in the national dairy herd, which is equivalent to removing 65,000 cows a year for three years.

The Irish Minister for Agriculture, Charlie McConalogue, revealed on RTE Morning Ireland that a dairy vision group composed of farmer representatives is exploring various options to reduce on-farm emissions. In response to these reports, the Irish Department of Agriculture has labeled the reported 200,000 cow reduction as a mere “modelling document”. However, this plan could cost taxpayers €600,000 over the next three years to meet climate emissions targets.

**The globalists have their sights set on our food supply, and they’re using climate change as an excuse. Western food production is under assault, and we must remain vigilant against these attacks on our way of life.**


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