**Presidential Candidate Disputes Gender Spectrum, Stands Firm on Binary Belief**
While some argue that gender is an extensive spectrum, others, including 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, maintain that it is, in fact, binary. Ramaswamy made his stance clear during a recent conversation on NBC’s “Meet the Press” with Chuck Todd, providing a science-based response that garnered praise.
As mainstream media and various groups continue to push the idea of gender as a spectrum, there are those who resist this thought, arguing that gender remains binary – male and female. Vivek Ramaswamy, a presidential candidate for the Republican Party in 2024, staunchly supports this binary belief, as he demonstrated during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” with Chuck Todd.
Todd questioned Ramaswamy, asking if he was truly confident that gender was binary. He further went on to mention the scientific research that claims gender is a spectrum. Despite interruptions, Ramaswamy respectfully disagreed with Todd, stating that gender dysphoria was something most of history had recognized as a mental health disorder, up until the publication of the DSM-5. He continued by emphasizing that it was not compassionate to affirm gender as a spectrum, but rather, it was cruel.
Ramaswamy delved deeper, highlighting the importance of asking pertinent questions when dealing with children’s gender dysphoria. Instead of jumping to conclusions, he advised getting to the crux of what may be wrong in their home or school life and addressing those issues with compassion, rather than changing our long-standing medical understanding.
Dave Rubin, a well-known commentator, lauded Ramaswamy’s approach during the discussion, describing it