A Republican lawmaker is sounding the alarm bell when it comes to joe Biden’s willingness to work with a Republican led congress after midterms.
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Clinton worked with Republicans to pass legislation during the 1994 midterm elections. Rep. Robert Aderholt, a Republican, says don’t expect President Joe Biden to follow in his predecessor’s footsteps if Republicans retake Congress next week.
Breitbart reports. During an interview with Mobile radio FM Talk 106.5’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” the Alabama Republican said he didn’t see the left flank of the Democratic Party willing to go along with Biden, meaning Congress and the president would have a hard time cooperating beyond the new year.
Republican Robert Aderholt stated “The problem is – is now you have such a large faction in the Democrat Party that are so far to the left that they are unwilling to work with republicans. Back when Bill Clinton — he did moderate some and did work with Republicans after Republicans took control in 1994. But I just think at this juncture, you have got so much pressure that is going on the Biden administration, you know, like the Elizabeth Warrens and the Bernie Sanders – there is a large contingency there across the country. Now they’re not a majority, but they’re very vocal. So, I would be very surprised, and this is my prediction, this is just my thoughts entirely – but I would be very surprised if the Biden administration is willing to do much work with a Republican Congress.”
Biden early on recognized that the Democrat majority will be gone after midterms, giving a tone deaf speech.
Washington Examiner writes. During an appearance before a friendly audience, Joe Biden ribbed Republicans for taking credit for Democratic efforts and pretending not to remember former President Donald Trump.
During an address to the Democratic National Committee before November’s midterm elections, Biden underscored his administration’s accomplishments and outlined how he and his party could still accomplish if they retained their majorities on Capitol Hill, including codifying Roe v. Wade, banning assault weapons, and safeguarding elections.
More #DarkBrandon, please!
— Tara Devlin 🇺🇦❤️💪 (@REALTaraDevlin) September 9, 2022
President Biden mocks Republicans trying to take credit for legislation they didn’t vote for
"They ain't got no shame!"#DarkBrandonRising #GOPHypocrisy #GOPLiesAboutEverything #RepublicansAreTheProblem #BuildBackBetter #infrastructure pic.twitter.com/3n7Z8DhbqM
It was once said by our founding fathers that a two-party system would ultimately fail America. It is impossible for a house that is divided two ways to stand, as well as some other great quotes. In reality, they were right. In a two party system, the country becomes more and more polarized, but it is the President’s job to be a unifying voice and work with both sides to pass legislation that enriches America instead of dividing it. Unfortunately, the rhetoric coming from Democrats over the past few years has only pushed us further towards oblivion. This country needs a unifying voice, and we must find it as soon as possible.
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