President Joe Biden had conservatives in fits of laughter when he recently shared an image of the first page of his State of the Union address, with one word boldly printed on it. Lets just hope tonight he doesn’t read this note out loud.
While Biden may not be able to rely on the support of many voters, judging from polls demonstrating a lack of confidence in Biden’s presidency, Biden’s handlers have still promised an exciting State of the Union address this Tuesday evening.
Biden’s team released an image of the first page of Biden’s speech notes, which featured the word “pause.”

On social media, Biden’s child-like reminder made quite an impression. Speculation as to why Biden would need a reminder to take a pause during his State of the Union speech, aside from being a sign of Biden’s age, is proof of his incompetence as a leader who needs everything literally spelled out for him.
As to be expected Biden got roasted on twitter.
@BrandonStraka replied, “Was this speech delivered to you from the balloon?”

@thejtlewis replied, “[pause]” Lol no one takes you seriously”

@RaheemKassam replied, “Of course you’re using a folio made in China.”

@LouisJMarinelli replied, “Why doesn’t [it] have instructions for you to breathe and blink?”

Western Journal notes, every speech he gives revolves around his almost guaranteed gaffes, as he consistently struggles to read the teleprompter.
As an example, the president said “end of quote, repeat the line” in the middle of a speech in December when flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Bacerra.
Joe Biden finishes reading a sentence from the teleprompter with "…end of quote. Repeat the line."
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) July 8, 2022
When he struggled to read a website address from the teleprompter during a speech about student loan forgiveness last year, Biden directed the entire country to the wrong website.
Joe Biden spells out the letters in “dot,” as in the punctuation, while reading the name of a website off the teleprompter.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 17, 2022
As the jury of history renders its verdict, one thing is beyond dispute: Joe Biden has too frequently been defeated by his own teleprompter and speech notes. Yet despite this sad reality, as high as the stakes are for tonight’s speech–the second State of the Union address before an anxious America–it seems inevitable that we will be dissecting yet more gaffes and blunders from Biden tomorrow. Sadly, what should be remembered as a historic moment of policy declarations appears destined to be overshadowed by embarrassing moments of Biden’s disintegrating mental health.
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