The liar behind the Brett Kavanaugh debacle has finally been exposed. It comes as no surprise that Kavanaugh was innocent all along, and Justice Kavanaugh’s accuser now faces criminal charges for lying.
This charade with Kavanaugh was a liar’s paradise where someone like Judy Munro-Leighton could fabricate a story of sexual assault and use it maliciously in an attempt to ruin an innocent man’s career.
100 percent fed up reports, it was one of the most contentious and highly politicized Senate confirmation hearings in American history for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Additionally, Senate Democrats brought accusations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh to the Senate’s attention, despite a lack of evidence in many of the allegations.
A Senate investigation found no merit in the allegations and confirmed him, a decision that sparked outrage among Democratic politicians and activists and sparked the #MeToo movement.
An accuser has now admitted that she made up her allegations ‘for attention’.
The woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Judy Monro-Leighton, was found to have lied during a congressional investigation and is now being charged with obstruction and making materially false statements.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, made a criminal referral against Monro-Leighton, who admitted she “just wanted to get attention.”
According to her, the anonymous letter she sent to then-Sen Kamala Harris describing Kavanaugh’s and a friend’s graphic sexual assault was not written by her, even though she originally claimed to be “Jane Doe from Oceanside, California.”
Munro-Leighton’s admission that she lied about Judge Kavanaugh alone is despicable, but in light of how the Democrats orchestrated their opposition to Judge Kavanaugh throughout the entire confirmation process, her admission should disqualify her from holding high office.
A Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee has admitted that top Democratic senators coordinated from the beginning with the protesters – many of whom were paid – in order to disrupt the hearings and create a false sense of outrage, some in the most despicable way.
Secondly, there were the wholly fabricated allegations of Christine Blasey-Ford that involved so many Deep State/Democrat operatives that a scorecard was required to identify them all.
Because Senator Kamala Harris was the one who brought Munro-Leighton’s letter to the committee’s attention, there’s every reason to believe that she had a hand in Munro-Leighton’s claims.
The liar Judy Munro-Leighton has put the entire #MeToo movement through a scandal by fabricating her story against the innocent Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This act was not only disgusting, but criminal and she needs to go to jail! It is sad that someone can have such little respect for the voices of survivors that it leads them to scam innocent people for personal or political gain. Kavanaugh has thankfully been acquitted and hopefully this will serve as an example for other scammers who think they can get away with falsifying claims of sexual assault. But most importantly S.A. is something that is horrendous, and we pray never happens again. Also every victim needs to be allowed for their story to be told, yet when we have people like Judy Munro-Leighton who flat out made up her story of S.A. and used it to try and ruin a good man’s career, that person has taken so much away from legitimate survivors.
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